Friday, September 23, 2011

"What to Expect" Acts 6: 1-7a; Deuteronomy 10: 12-22

While on Clergy Renewal, I visited several churches.  In some, I was a complete stranger; in others, I had a prior relationship with the congregation.  I discovered that when I left the worship services, I had some sense that the service had worked, or not worked. or partly worked for me.  It made me realize that when I attend worship I have an expectation of what will transpire during that time.

What expectations do you have when you come to worship?  How do those expectations get me or go unmet?

I wonder what expectations visitors have when they arrive at our sanctuary?  Or the parking lot?  At one of the churches I visited I was greeted as I shut my car door in the parking lot.  An older woman must have figured I looked lost, or I looked like a stranger, or maybe she was just that friendly.  Regardless of why, she welcomed me before I even got inside the church.  Let me tell you, that made me much more receptive to what happened in worship and made me expect to have a good experience in worship.  I actually do not remember the sermon, but I did get invited to lunch with a group from the church.  no surprise, I suppose, that I recall that service as one of my best experiences of worship last summer.

The Acts passage notes the expectations of the early church.  It does not specifically deal with worship expectations, but serves as a reminder that when we gather in places that identify us as Christians, people have expectations of us.

The Deuteronomy passage reminds us of the importance that worship played in the life of the Israelites and the importance God placed on worship.  At times in Exodus the reader could be left with the impression that the sole reason God led the Israelites out of bondage was so that they could worship God.  Makes worship a big deal, doesn't it? How big a deal do you expect worship to be each week?





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