Thursday, October 1, 2015

"The World at Our Fingertips" Matthew 28: 16-20

As I was trying to get Skype on my computer to work so that I could communicate with a couple in South Africa, my cell phone went off.  The couple from South Africa was calling me (maybe texting) to help me figure out how we could Skype.

My daughter was in Costa Rica for a semester, and we communicated through an app on the phone.

Not on the phone, although I could download them through my email app, but some mission partners in Africa that we support through our Endowment Fund send us monthly emails telling us what they are doing in ministry.

The world has become a smaller place because of technology.

The scary world is perhaps less scary because it is more accessible; or perhaps scarier since it is no longer "way over there," but at our doorstep.

Jesus tells the disciples to go into the world baptizing and teaching.  How do we live out the Great Commission?

Shirley Guthrie in his book Christian Doctrine: Revised Edition quotes Donald Miller (The Nature and Mission of the Church):  "there is diversity within a large family - different aptitudes, different tastes, different personal characteristics. it would be a strange family, nonetheless, which would set up separate living arrangements to satisfy the particular peculiarities of each member. Ina  real family, the diversity is held within the unity of the family.  The family lives in the same house, eats together, carries forward its groups activities as a unity.  In this way, the diversity enriches the whole family life, and each benefits from the other" (360).

How do we engage the world?  Do we evangelize?  Find connections that transcend our differences?

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