Friday, March 20, 2015

"Witnesses" Acts 1: 1-8

Late to the blog this week, which probably is an accurate reflection of my being behind in my sermon preparation.

This week we are reflecting on how we engage those who are in our spheres of influence.  I am reminded of Ann Lamott commenting that she makes her 13 yr. old son go to church because she is still bigger than he is so she can.  I'm not sure that style of invitation is what we mean by being witnesses!

Notice that in the Acts story they are called to be "witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”  That suggests that they are witnesses first in their own homes, then in their communities, and then their country, then the world.  And if we fast forward to Pentecost when the Spirit sweeps among the people, they are given the gift of language so that they can in the language of the people in whose country they will go.  

How do you engage your family? Your neighborhood? your commnity?

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