Friday, May 2, 2014

"Free to Witness" John 1: 4-6

This week the confirmands profess their faith in worship.  We are thinking about how in light of the resurrection, we are free to witness to the world and profess our Faith.

1. Tim Tebow tells the story of his profession of faith. “but when he went to his father, who was a missionary and preacher, he found himself frustrated by questions his father asked him about the Gospel – questions posed, Tebow recalls, ‘to make sure I was not taking this decision lightly.’ Finally, young Tebow went to his mother. ‘I want to ask Jesus to come into my heart,’ he told her. ‘I’m ready to be saved. I tried with Dad, but he’s just too hard.’ Mother and son prayed together, and the confession of faith was made. To celebrate, the family went to Epcot. Time, Jon Meacham, “Tebow’s Testimony: What his faith on the field means for the future of American Evagelicalism” (40), 1/16/2012.

2.  I found this a fascinating practice of the church that has just called our former PYC coordinator to be their Associate Pastor:  Worship is at 9:30 AM every Sunday at 97 East Genesee! As you approach the Church (sun, rain or snow - worship, weddings or memorials) the Pastor is out front, greeting and welcoming the Village. He welcomes and receives those coming to worship God, as well as greeting and blessing those going past. In the words of our Pastor: "People have made an effort to come to the Church, it seems the least we can do, to go out and welcome one another inside." Several new members have commented, "The Pastor greeted us each Sunday as we went by, finally when we were looking for a Church, we knew we were welcome here." The Church has ample off-street parking, ramped access to the air-conditioned Sanctuary, an elevator to all classroom, meeting and fellowship spaces.

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