Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Holy Moments" Genesis 23: 1-16; Exodus 3: 1-10

I have been thinking about those holy moments we encounter along our faith journeys.  At the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham wants to bury her. Into the story comes a non-Israelite king who works with Abraham to find an appropriate place to bury her.  Abraham needs to memorialize the moment and have a special place to bury his wife; the king recognizes that need and helps make it happen.  A special time for Abraham.

Moses encounters the presence of God in a burning bush.  It is holy ground.  Something special takes place.  And in that moment, Moses signs on to lead God's people.  A special moment in Moses' life that pushes him in a new direction.

What holy moments have you had along your faith journey?

The final night at a campfire at Kirkmont can be a special place.

Sitting beside your loved and holding her hand while she dies can take you to a holy place.

Watching a baby born and seeing God's handiwork can shape your worldview as you recognize the holiness of the moment.

I notice that Abraham needed someone to help him in his holy moment.  I wonder at how Moses' encounter with the holy pushed him outside his normal parameters.  I ponder the holy moments I have encountered.



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