Friday, January 6, 2012

"A Changed Life" John 12: 20-26; Acts 9: 36-43

For the next few weeks, I am picking up some sermon ideas that I had while on Clergy Renewal.  This sermon grew out of reading Unbroken, the story of Lt. Louis Zamperini, who floated in the Pacific after his plane crash-landed and then was a prisoner in Japanese prison camps during WWII.  After surviving both brutal experiences, he is married and working, but his life is in shambles.  At that point, he wanders in to hear a Billy Graham sermon during a crusade, and his life was changed in that moment.

I am fascinated with the idea that in an instant a life is suddenly changed by an encounter with the Good news.  I also struggle with how to keep that change alive on a continual basis.  in other words, what does it mean to be changed by discovering Christ and what does that look like or how is it maintained in our lives?

I would be curious if any of you have stories of how your life has been changed by coming to know Jesus Christ.  Or how that stays alive in your lives.

the John passage invites us to wonder about the Greeks and what happened to them.  It also has Andrew in the story, and Andrew's life was certainly changed in an instant when he meet Christ (see earlier in the John).

I was struck in the Acts passage about how those who saw and heard about the miracle believed.  How long did they believe?  Can you believe without seeing the miracle?



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