Monday, June 19, 2023

Reflections on “Dancing with Jesus: the Water Walk” Matthew 14: 22-33

The second week of dancing. this week the dance was a hula.  I saw the recording of the service - it looks like I have some type of hip tic!  I thought it worked well to draw the contrast between the risk of discipleship and the gentle hula motion.  Brene Brown's "price of invulnerability" is a really interesting concept.  It is worth it to listen to her TED talk. 

“Dancing with Jesus: the Water Walk”  Matthew 14: 22-33 June 18, 2023; SAPC, Denton; Dr. Richard B. Culp; 

22Immediately he [Jesus] made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. 23And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. 25And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea. 26But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. 27But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” 28Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. 30But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Introduction:  In some faith traditions, dancing and church are kept separate.

for me, dancing and church are integrally related.

Why?  Because I learned to dance at Synod Youth Workshop when I was a Freshman in high school.

Back then, most of the nights at SYW finished with everyone gathering for dance.

I did not dance.  In fact, the thought of dancing in public seemed rather terrifying.  trying to move in rhythm in front of a bunch of people.

so, I stood against the wall the first couple of nights.  I think that’s where the term wallflower comes from!

Some of my newfound friends in my small group invited me to dance.  I assured them I did not know how to dance, so I could not possibly dance.

no one offered to teach me to dance, but someone did have an interesting idea.  This was the era of strobe lights.  So as the music played each night, so was the strobe light.

So a friend asked if I could jog in place.  that, I knew how to do.  So, he suggested, just jog in place, and with the strobe light everyone will think you are dancing.

now that sounded kind of interesting.  I was curious if that would work.  so, with the music playing and the strobe going, stepped onto the dance floor and started slowly jogging in place.

after the first dance, people were coming up saying, “I thought you said you couldn’t dance.  You looked great out there!”

So I became a dancer, or at least a jogger in place!

I thought about that this week when reading this story of the Peter being asked to step out.  not that my dancing is comparable to Peter walking on water, but it reminded me of stepping out and doing something we’re not sure we can.

so three thoughts on this story from Matthew.

move 1:  First, notice that the Invitation to join with Jesus arrives in the midst of the disciples’  fear. 

a. We might be surprised the disciples are afraid.

1. this story takes place Immediately following the feeding of the 5K.

2, the disciples had watched, and joined with Jesus in feeding all these people. 

 they had seen firsthand both the divine power and divine compassion of Jesus and Jesus’ desire for them to join with him in his ministry.

3. But, now in this storm on the sea, they are afraid

and there is Jesus walking on water before them.

4. in the midst of their fear, they find Jesus.

b.  Reveals an interesting aspect of answering God’s call.

1. Fear sometimes sharpens our focus on Jesus.

2.  Fear sends us back looking for God.  

3.  We often hear God’s call most clearly in moments of stress and difficulty.

3.   David Lose notes that:  we often overlook God’s presence in the peaceful and pleasant portions of life yet call out [to God] in earnest when things took a difficult turn.

4.  When things are going well, we sometimes forget our need for God.

But when things turn scary, we start looking for God. (

5.  there in the storm is Petersounding more like Thomas,  “Lord, if it is you….”

6.  there is Jesus, calling out, “Take heart, it is I; have no fear” (15:27). 

in the midst of the disciples’ fear, they find Jesus.

Move 2: Notice what happens next - Jesus calls Peter into the storm

a.  How would you expect this scent to play out if you were in charge of the events?

1.  The disciples are off in a boat by themselves.

2.  A big storm arrives.

3. Winds blowing; 

waves crashing over the boat

rain pelting down

As we know storms, storms can be scary.  

Even scarier on the water.

3.  the disciples  are afraid  - not sure whether they are afraid because of the storm, 

or because they see someone walking toward them, 

or maybe a combination of both.

4.  It is Jesus walking on water toward them.

5. What do you expect Jesus to do?

give words of comfort?

calm the storm?

make everything OK!

b.  But what does Jesus do?

1. he invites Peter to step out into the storm and walk on water.

2.  Jesus does not subdue the crisis and fear, but invites Peter to literally step out in faith. (Carla Works, Professor of New Testament, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. made this point;

3. to live out his calling to follow Jesus, Peter has to overcome his fear and trust, in the midst of the storm.

b. Our dance this morning may be the soft swaying of the hula;

our hymn after the sermon may be the easy melody of the “Jesus Calls Us”

but do not be deceived by the dance or the hymn into thinking that discipleship is easy or without risks.

1. Discipleship is not primarily about Jesus finding us the safest way to live our lives.

2.  As we read the biblical stories, we see again and again the challenge, and the risk involved in following Jesus.

3. For that matter, Israel had discovered that truth long before Jesus arrived on the scene.

Abraham and Sarah had to pack up and follow Jesus into an unknown land.

Joseph was sold into slavery and imprisoned on his way to being put to use to save God’s people.

Moses - leave Egypt; deal with cranky Israelites in the wilderness

Mary is asked to bear God’s son

Peter, Andrew, James, and John - abruptly give up their jobs and follow Jesus, wherever he goes.

Paul - blinded on the road to Damascus, which might seem like the easy part after he faces off against the Jewish religious authorities and the Roman authorities.

4. No surprise, I suppose because they follow Jesus, the crucified Christ.

5.  As you consider answering the call to follow Jesus, do not be surprised if it is risky and challenging.

c. .  But know that if you step out in faith like Peter did, Jesus is there with you, even if you falter.

1.  Remember what Jesus tells the disciples:  “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”

2.  the Greek we translate as “it is I” literally says, “I am.”  (Carla Works, Professor of New Testament, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.;

3. I Am - the Hebrew name God gives to Moses from the burning bush when Moses ask : What shall I tell people your name is."

3.  When Peter steps out into the storm, God in flesh is waiting to guide him, support him, and lead him.

4. When hear the call to step into the storm, God in flesh is waiting to guide him, support him, and lead us.

Move 3:  Finally, this story reminds us we have to be vulnerable to experience the joys of discipleship.

a. Brene Brown - researcher on vulnerability; 

1.  to remove ourselves from all vulnerability, also removes us from the joy, hope, and opportunity

2.  She calls it the “the price of invulnerability”  (Brene Brown’s TED talk “The Power of Vulnerability”)

3. To put that in the context of Peter in the storm, if he had chosen not to make himself vulnerable and step out toward Jesus, he would not only avoid the challenge but also miss the opportunity of following Christ.

b. to put that in the context of our own lives of discipleship, in order to experience the joy of following Christ we have to take the risk of stepping out in faith.

1.  As David Lose notes in reflecting on this passage:  This is still God’s desire for us. 

God desires, that is, that we trust that God is with us and for us and thereby live with courage and hope, taking chances, risking ourselves in relationship, seeking the welfare of the individuals and community around us, all the while remembering that even when we overlook God’s presence yet God is always there, sometimes to encourage us to overcome our fears, sometimes sending us out ahead, and sometimes reaching out to grab hold of us in forgiveness, mercy, comfort, and grace. (

2. the vulnerability to step out in faith allows us to embrace the risks and challenges of discipleship, even as we embrace the opportunities and joys that wait for us as live into our God as disciples of Christ.

conclusion:  In the storm, after Jesus joins them in the boat, the disciples say, “Truly you are the Son of God.”  

they got it right.

Now the Son of God is calling you.

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