Saturday, May 27, 2023

Reflections on “Easter Possibilities: Witnessing” Acts 1: 6-14

The focus of the sermon was the text detailing Jesus' ascension to heaven.  I struggled all week with how to approach the sermon.  Finally, John Holbert's comment about there being no Ascension Day cards struck a chord with me and led to a framework for the sermon.   I don't think I preached on the Ascension text for the first 25 years of ministry, but now have touched on it 3 of the last 5 years.

“Easter Possibilities:  Witnessing” April 16, 2023; SAPC, Denton; Dr. Richard B. Culp; Acts 1: 6-14

Introduction:  last week of Easter possibilities, then next week Pentecost.  wear red; be gracious to our guest preacher Chris Lee, General Presbter for Grace Presbytery.

Then, the next week is the Clergy Renewal event with David Gambrell as our guest for the weekend.   He works in the office of Theology and Worship

a catered Italian dinner Saturday night and gathering around our Lord’s Table Sunday.  

Now, another story about Easter possibilities.

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7He replied, “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 9When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. 11They said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

12Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a sabbath day’s journey away. 13When they had entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying, Peter, and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers.

Move 1:  The story we read in Acts is about Jesus' ascension.

a.  Let’s track how the story got to this point.

1. We could go back to creation when God called the earth into being;  

or we could go to Jesus’ birth

both critical events leading up to this story.

2. But more recently we remember that Jesus started ministry among the people

he called disciples to follow him

he healed

he taught

he showed compassion

he invited all sorts of people to new ways of living

he battled with the authorities, both the religious and Roman leaders

4.  then, Crucified on a cross

Buried in a tomb.

Women discover the empty tomb.

5. Suddenly, the resurrected Christ moves among the followers

appearing to them by moving through closed doors

eating breakfast with them on the beach

8.  I suspect the disciples are thinking to themselves:  “This resurrected Christ is an amazing guy.  We’ll keep having out with him until God restores the kingdom.”

Surely, that’s what they had in mind when they ask, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?”

9. But, then in a surprising turn of events, Jesus is lifted up, a cloud taking him out of their sight.

the ascension of Christ has taken place.

b.  Ascension Day was on Thursday, exactly 40 days after Easter.

1.  We mostly miss that day.

2.  True confessions:  I was at Kroger last Saturday night, not last night, but the Saturday night before Mother’s Day, rather late.

not just getting the food for the Mother’s Day cookout the next day, but looking for a Mother’s Day card. (John Holbert introduced me to the idea of an Ascension Day card), 


I was not the only one there.  I had to wait for a couple of men to make their selections, and then waiting behind me were what appeared to be a couple of sons and another husband.

I am not sure if it was because I was there later the night before or what, but the selection was not very good (my wife Leslie can vouch for the fact that I did not find a very good card).

At one point, I went looking in other sections of cards heaping to find something that would work.

I found birthday cards, wedding cards, engagement cards, sympathy cards, or no reason, just wanted to send cards….

Do you know what I did not find?  An Ascension Day card - Hallmark has missed their opportunity!

I was thinking about that this week and came up with a couple of cards that might work for Ascension Day.

move 1:   First Ascension Day card:   Jesus climbing a ladder, or maybe walking up a grand staircase with a red carpet or gold carpet, walking toward the heavens - Jesus looks back down to earth and says, “I’m going up, but you’re not!”

a.  The disciples are left on earth.

1. No resurrected Christ with them.

2. Just the promise of the Holy Spirit.

3.  We continue in that tradition. 

b.  I suspect the disciples would have been happy to spend their time focused on when Christ will return.

1.  It might be easier to get lost in the debate about when Christ will return than deal with the reality of the world in which we live.

2.  John Holbert, notes that It is far safer, far less demanding, to be a speculator [about when Jesus will return] Speculators write books of calculations, hold seminars that attract thousands, rake in untold piles of loot, while prognosticating a certain time for Jesus' return.

4. it might have been a good job for the disciples.

3.  But, as they gaze up to the heavens beginning their calculations, two men in white robes appear and ask them, “Why do you stand looking up toward heaven.”

4.  As if to say, “Jesus may be in heaven, but you are still here on earth.”

5. As Christ’s followers.

as the ones to carry on what Jesus has said and done.

as the ones who will be filled with the Holy Spirit and given what they need to do what Christ sends them into the world to do.

6.  That is who we are - the people God has called and empowered to be Christ’s body on earth, to continue his work.

7. that is why the Ascension story is immediately followed by a scene in Jerusalem:  the followers gathered together;

naming the names

adding the women to their number.

8. they are preparing to go out and live into the task of being Christ’s followers in the world after Christ has ascended to heaven.

Move 2: This leads me to a second Ascension Day card I did not find last week:  

Jesus above the clouds leaning down with his hands pushing through the clouds, holding a cell phone on which he is clearly typing a message.

And the followers on earth holding their cell phones above their heads so they can see their screens and Jesus looking down at them.h

on their cell phones screens is written the message: “You are my witnesses!”


a.  We heard Jesus tell the disciples, tell us:  “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (NRSV)

1.  As Holbert notes that, “We have been asked to be "his witnesses" to the world, not his calculators for his return.” John Holbert (

1. ….witness to the truth of the gospel: the truth of justice for the whole world, the love of enemies, and the care for the marginalized and outcast. As Acts 1 makes so clear, the world needs far fewer speculators and far more witnesses. John Holbert (

     1. To witness in Jerusalem is to share with friends and family; the neighborhood.

2.  In our context, it means witnessing to Rowan, who is being baptized this morning, telling her the stories of what God has done, 

the stories of Jesus Christ.

witness to him by being a church that reaches out to those in need

being a church that speaks about the injustice in the world.

     2. To witness in Judea – the Judeans, people of our own faith tradition; in other words, people who look, think, and act like us

     3. Samaria – witness people we do not like; 

we remember that the Samaritans were the distant cousins who became the enemy, the other people generations ago.

      4. Witness to the ends of the earth – all the world; Nobody gets left out. 

and we are not off the hook as witnesses until all have heard the good news.

b. We hear this call to be witnesses knowing that in the next chapter, we will read about Pentecost.

      1. Pentecost when the Spirit sweeps among the people, they are given the gift of language so that they can in the language of the people in whose country they will go.

      2.  That means that God will equip us to be witnesses, whether we are witnessing in Jerusalem or to the ends of the earth

     3.  whether we need the gift of language or some other gift, God will provide what we need to be witnesses.

conclusion:  Final Ascension Day card - Jesus seated at the right hand of God.

the quote bubble has these words: “I’m not done yet.”

Jesus in heaven, not resting on his laurels, but leading the church, 

leading us.

Calling us to Easter possibilities made possible only by the God of resurrection.

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