Saturday, March 10, 2018

Headed to Israel

I am about to leave the house to begin the journey to Israel.  I am going to try and post to my blog each day, but not sure if my technological skills are up to the task.  I will be leaving my computer home, so posts will have to come from my iPad mini or my phone.  I will also try to post photos each day.

I have never been to Israel.  Through the years, I have had opportunities to go, but it never seemed to be the right time.  Thanks to Jim Goodnow for making this the right time for me!

Years ago a colleague returned from an Israel trip and told me that traveling to the places in the biblical texts changed the way he understood the texts and impacted the way he preached and taught the texts.  I am hopeful to have a similar transformative experience. As we move through Lent and prepare for Easter (I will be working on my Palm Sunday and Easter sermon while on the trip), I am intrigued by how being in Israel will impact by sermon preparation.