Thursday, July 7, 2016

“Hagar: the Other One” Genesis 16: 1-16; Genesis 21: 8-21

We continue looking at minor characters in the biblical story ("minor" as defined by me!).  I have never preached on Hagar, and as I prepared for the sermon, I could not help wondering why.

What an interesting story.  Hagar must be a trusted servant of Sarah.  If not, why would Sarah choose her to bear Abraham's, Sarah's husband, child?  Don't forget that Sarah did not believe God when God told her that she would bear a son so that Abraham's descendants would be as numerous as the stars.

After Hagar gets pregnant, Sarah is so jealous of Hagar that she banishes her.  God finds a distraught Hagar and promises that her son Ishmael would be the start of his own nation.  Is this God correcting the mistakes of Abraham and Sarah?

Perhaps we learn about the character of God when Hagar says, “You’re the God who sees me!" (Genesis 16: 13, The Message).  God seems to care very much for Hagar, the other one.

What do you think of these stories?

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