Friday, April 19, 2013

"Jesus Is the One Who Keeps Appearing" John 21: 4-8

The Gospel of Mark originally ended with no resurrection appearance stories, but they were soon added.  I suspect Jesus' followers had a great need to tell the stories about Jesus appearing.

We get this sense that the resurrected Christ looked different, particularly since no one recognized him immediately.  Were his followers just not able to recognize him because they thought he was dead, or did he look materially different?

When Jesus appears on the beach with Peter, he seems to extend his love to Peter with the command to go and love others.

In Mark, the resurrected Christ calls for the disciples to proclaim the good news of salvation to all the world.

Are Jesus' multiple appearances before ascending his way of saying "You can't get rid of me!"

The Putnam county 25th Annual Spelling Bee has a scene where the young spelling bee contestant who reeks with perfection considers what might happen if she spells the word wrong. She prays, and suddenly Jesus appears. Jesus tells her in part that he will love here whether she spells the word correctly or not. As he departs, Jesus says, “I don’t really care about spelling bees anyway” or something to that effect.

What do we do with the fact that after his ascension, Christ no longer appears?  Is this where the Holy Spirit fits into things?

Which post-resurrection story has the most meaning to you?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite post resurrection story is the Breakfast on the Beach where Jesus forgives Peter and then gives him work to do. Each time Peter says he loves Jesus, Jesus gives him an assignment. Peter voices his faith and Christ asks for a response to that faith in the form of work. This story really clarifies for me the answer to the faith/grace vs work question. We are saved by Christ's grace and then in grateful response we want to do work for Him.
