Friday, January 25, 2013

"Who Do You Say That I Am?" Mark 8: 27-30

This sermon kicks off what is an expanded Lenten preaching series.  We begin this week, go through Lent, and then finish back where we started on May 3 with the confirmands standing before the congregation to declare that they say Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

The Advent preaching series seemed to appeal to many in the congregation, so I've been trying to figure out what made it work to include it in this next series.  Maybe it was the topic of gifts?  maybe the visuals?  maybe be I was especially energized by the topic?  I do have a visual each week, but it's not quite as exciting as the giant Christmas present.

I also think that in my sermon preparation I worked hard to make the sermons concrete and easy to follow (using more of an outline form than I often do).  I may try to continue to do that in this series.  At this point, I don't have my three points yet.  As I'm brainstorming, it occurs to me that 1. It's an important question.  2. Jesus does not want them to answer it yet (maybe until they know more)  3.  Not sure of a third point yet.  Maybe that the answer calls on our rational and emotional parts of us.  With that in mind, here is a story from AJ Jacob:  A.J. Jacobs does the Rationality Project, where he tries to live rationally. Example: he has brushed with Crest for 30 yrs. Why? He traces it back to Jr. high camp in Maine when the cool kid in his cabin used Crest. He notes Buridan's ass – the donkey in a philosophical parable who is hungry and thirsty and standing equidistant between water and food. He dies deciding what to do. A. J. Jacob, The Guinea Pig Diaries (87-88)

Starting next week, the tag line for each sermon is "Jesus is the one who...." In keeping with that theme, I am going to ask a person in the chapel and sanctuary service each week to share their answer to that question in a minute for two.  If you want to be one of those who shares your answer, please let me know.



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