Friday, February 24, 2012

"Is It Worth the Promise?" Genesis 12: 4-9; Mark 1: 9-20

Both of our Scripture lessons are call stories to begin Lent.  the Mark passage begins with confirmation of who Jesus is at his baptism, then his time in the desert, and finally the calling of the first disciples.

What great news it must have been for Abram and Sarai (they will have to change their names eventually, too)to hear that God would make of them a great nation and bless them.  We know from Genesis (think Jacob and Esau's story) that to receive a blessing was a big deal, and this was God's blessing.  Maybe a parallel might be to get news of a great job promotion.  the sky is the limit in that moment.

But, the promise leads to a journey.  They have to go to the land of Canaan.  sort of like the great promotion that brings with it news that you have to move somewhere else.  The excitement of the promise leads to the reality of life being radically changed.

Think about Jesus -- as Mark tells the story, one verse the voice from the heavens confirms that he is the Son of God; the next verse the Spirit drives him into the desert to be tempted by the devil and joined with the wild beasts.  Maybe being the Son of God isn't that great a gig after all.

The disciples  -- they immediately drop what they are doing to follow Jesus.  Is the promise of being with Jesus so irresistible that they could not help themselves?  I wonder how many times they looked back at that moment to reassess if the promise was worth the cost?

Not sure where this sermons ends, but I keep reflecting on how great the promise must be to command such a response.  Or is it something else?

Why have you chosen to follow Christ?



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