Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"A Changing Call" Acts 16: 6-15; John 15: 9-17

The sermon felt a little unfocused.  Some good stories, but too broad a focus.  I wish I had spent more time on the Greek words for "servant" and "friend."  I think that would have added to the sermon.

A Changing Call” September 11, 2011; Acts 16: 6-11

Introduction: when I was driving back from Chicago after having been gone for three weeks, I tuned in to the station I listen to on FM (99.9). I also have 94.5 preset because my daughters like it (I really don't like it). As I listened to 99.9, I discovered that I didn't like its music that night. As I searched for stations, I landed on a song I like, and then noticed it was on 94.5. I began switching back and forth between those two stations as I discovered the music I liked on 94.5 and the music I didn't like on 99.9. I was rather confused. As it turns out, the stations had exchanged their frequencies over the time I was gone. Not sure the Holy Spirit was at work in the radio stations, it started me reflecting on change – particularly how other people's lives had changed and how God might be at work in that. 

This is also the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
1.  Survivor stories speak to the way in which those tragic events changed people's lives.

2. Circumstances were beyond their control, but it forced change on them.

This morning I want to share stories of people's changing sense of call. As you hear the, I invite you to reflect on how you have experienced such change in call in the past and what God might be calling you to next.

Move 1: Woman from internship

a. I had a chance to visit with a woman who I first met while on internship during seminary.

b. She and her husband were friends and mentors to Leslie and me.

c. When I was working with she and her husband, they had become focused on mission work. Led the first mission trip. Became volunteer mission trip leaders for a few summers spending their vacation time working with mission groups in Nuevo Laredo.

d. As part of their mission work in the local church, they became active at the presbytery level, which led to their interest in social justice. Their interest shifted from mission work like mission trips to social justice issues and simple living … led to their moving their membership to another church that focused on these issues.

e. Decided to retire early, live a simple life and felt called to be house parents at a children's home in another city in TX. Changed place to live. Changed emphasis. Changed lifestyle

f. Dreamed of building a simple home near a lake in central TX. Began working on it. Husband died unexpectedly just before house was finished. Widow finished the house and now lives there. Shift in calling to being active in women's group at the new church. And, since she now commutes 45 minutes to church, she shared with me this a new role she has in helping this church understand and deal with members who live outside the local community in which the church is located. each of which was very meaningful to her and certainly sounded like a call to me.

g. Mission trips; simple living and social justice; house parents; women's groups and commuter member; a changing sense of call over twenty years – some initiated by her and her husband; others a response to circumstances beyond her control.

Move 2: Gospel story

a. Jesus' final comments to his disciples.

b. Jesus notes a shift in the disciples role.

  1. They go from servants to friends.

  2. Servants – who only do what the master says, with no need to understand.

  3. To friends – who become partners with Christ and will carry on his ministry when Christ leaves.

b. I imagine at least some of the disciples were unsure about this change.

  1. Can't you hear them.

  2. We haven't even got this servant thing down yet; now you want us to be your friends?

c. Yet that is what God needs of them and that is what God will empower them to do.

Move 3: Man on internship

a. I had lunch with several people after worshiping at the church where I served my internship.

b. IN that conversation, one of the men began to tell me about his latest ministry interest – doing what some of you know as Emmaus walks at prisons.

c. Emmaus walk – spiritual growth week-end.

  1. He wanted to go on one with his daughter, who was in high school, as a bonding time for both of them.

  2. They did bond, but he also found himself overwhelmed at this sense that God might be calling him to a new ministry.

  3. But what?

  4. Someone mentioned Emmaus walks in prisons.

  5. Caught his attention.

  6. Thus began his involvement with a group that hosts Emmaus walks in a prison twice a year.

  7. Powerful stories of how that impacts the prisoners and the prison as a whole.

c. While telling me this story, he noted that he had never felt called to discipleship to this ministry.

   1. I did not argue the point with him.

   2. But I knew he had been called to other ministries at other times in his life because I could tell you some other stories of how he lived out his calling as a disciple of Christ.

   3. But I got the point – when he connected himself with the ministry to which God called him at a particular time in his life, it excited and empowered him in ways that made that particular ministry seem like the most important thing he had ever done.

Move 4: Paul

a. In Acts, we read of Paul being stopped by the Holy Spirit from going to one place and instead being sent to another place. Little story, but big impact. It shifts where Paul is going to do his ministry and where the early church is going to spread.

b. Paul credits, or perhaps blames the Holy Spirit for this shift.

c. Paul, closely connected to what God might be doing with him.

Move 5: Consider what is happening in your life now.

a. I suspect some of us are dealing with changes not of our choosing; others changes we initiated.

b. As followers of Christ, we hear the call to figure out where God is calling us and to what ministries God has in mind for us.

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