Friday, April 15, 2011

"Waving the Palms" Matthew 21: 1-11

Palm Sunday arrives with the last chapter of Unbinding Your Heart.  Consequently, I have read the last chapter in the context of Palm Sunday.

I have two thoughts (so far) for the sermon:

1.  I have spent most of learn mis-stating the book title.  I have written and said Unbinding the Heart instead of Unbinding Your Heart.  A simple mistake?  Perhaps.  Or, could it be a sub-conscious attempt to keep from claiming the task of sharing the faith for me personally?  These things we have talked and prayed about over the last six weeks should be claimed personally, not just in a corporate sense that waits for someone else to share the faith on behalf of the body of Christ.

2.  When the crowds gathered in the streets and shouted, "hosanna" as cried rode by on a donkey, they had it right.  Despite the misunderstandings in the past and the betrayals that await, in that moment they recognized Christ as the one whom God sent to save them.  Sometimes, we get it right.  Sometimes we see Christ in our midst.  Act on it when you do.



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