Thursday, October 14, 2010

"FB or Image of God?"

I have been reflecting on how we use Facebook (FB). ON the positive side, I know that FB has allowed me to connect with people that I would not have connected with otherwise. In particular, I have found that FB has allowed me to have conversations with college students and members who do not live in Troy in a way that had not been possible before I joined FB. I certainly have been more aware of prayer concerns and issues from members and friends of the church who do not live in town. Some of them receive the elink, so then they read the prayers concerns in the next week's elink, which connects them with the prayer life of this congregation.

But, I also read FB comments that make me wonder why the person would say that, particularly in a public place. And, I read the status of people, and worry about their state of mind and wonder how they could feel that distanced from love and support.

It has occurred to me that in some ways FB users need to be reminded that we are created in the image of God. That God has laid claim on us and we are works in progress as we move toward that new creation God desires of us that also reveals God's image. How would it change a FB comment about another person if we began our comment with, "So and so is a child of God..." and then completed our thought? Or, how differently might we post a status about ourself if we claimed for ourselves the title "Child of God?" Instead of tearing ourselves apart or falsely proclaiming our greatness, we might temper our thoughts with the recognition that God is working in us. We are not finished, but God is with us.

Do you have some positive or negative experiences of FB you would like to share?



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