Monday, March 15, 2010

Surprising developments

From my experience, the author correctly notes that we will discover some surprising things as e continue down our Lenten journey. Question: Has anything surprising happened to you during this Lenten journey?

I am wondering if we make these discoveries because the new pattern we create leads us to surprising things or if our focus on the Lenten discipline makes us aware of God's Spirit in a new way, which opens us up to what God desires to do in our lives. Question: Has your Lenten journey opened you up to God's guiding?

My Lenten experience so far this year has been the best one that I can recall. I'm not sure if is because I made myself publicly accountable, so I have had to continue; or if beginning Lent with 5 or so hours of reflection in the sanctuary (I was there for all four of the gathering times in the sanctuary) would have made any year more meaningful; or if the praying for members is just the right discipline for me this year. I do know that my experience has connected me more with God this year than usually happens.

But, it is still work. Or at least it requires work some of the time. If I am not careful, I find myself trying to accomplish x number of prayers for the day without really praying. Then, I have to stop and reclaim the prayerful approach I need.

I see this tying in with the author's comment about God being at work in our weakness. When we are vulnerable, when we recognize our weakness, when we feel helpless, then, we often are ready to fall on our knees and seek God's guidance. Our Lenten discipline can remind us of our inability to accomplish much or remind us when we fail that we cannot do it alone, and perhaps lead us to falling on our knees and seeking God's guidance. I think that when I am doing my praying best this Lent, it is when I am focusing on how I need God to guide my prayers and somehow use those prayers to connect me in ways I could not envision myself. Question: Do you find your Lenten discipline exposes your weakness and drives you back to God?




  1. Sent by Jo Hermes via Richard: I am enjoying the "surprises" this week. I have found several ideas in the "Clearing Season" that have been encouraging and energizing. I wondered today when I read about the author's visiting her mother with flowers whether Marge M.had read that far when she drove a distance to visit HER mother awhile ago. Neat. Don't you love the surprising sunshine now? Yesterday as I investigated my cousin's genealogical work to learn a few things that my mother's comments had prompted me to verify. This feeling of getting closer to the end of my Lenten project is giving me an exhilarating relief. I hope to finish it in time for my sister's birthday this year even if not by this Easter. I hope the other bloggers are having as good an experience as your praying experience has been, Richard. I wish more of them had blogged. I've been glad to read the few I've seen. Thank you. God bless each family. Jo

  2. The more i think about Lent. THe more i see how selfish people can be.
    It is hard to be good all the time.

    Today I did go shopping. BUT I also gave about 20 items to goodwill at Elder Beermans and got 20 20 percent off coupons in return . I then passed the coupons out at work.

    I am glad to see the sun out. Spring has sprung.
